Real life angels carry naloxone – not only a tool for overdose reversal

Anyone who follows the blog regularly will now be more than familiar with the Real angels carry naloxone images that I have developed.  The series of images have been among the more popular of the visual messages that I have created.  The central message of the images celebrates the people who participate in programs that … Continue reading

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5 of my favourite International Overdose Awareness Day images

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. It is a time of rememberance and a day to promote overdose prevention. In recent years, social media has been increasingly used to promote overdose prevention and International Overdose Awareness Day. This year is no different as an increasing number of tweets tagged #OD13 are starting to flow through. … Continue reading

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4 more naloxone resources you just have to check out

Earlier in the week I posted about 3 Naloxone resources you just had to see.  Continuing with the theme, I thought I would bring to your notice some more fantastic information resources from across the globe that support advocacy for, and the development of programs that enable greater access to naloxone. Administered by HIT … Continue reading

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