4 Hot ‘how to’ resources for people who inject drugs

There are many conventions for a blog post.  Two of the most popular are ‘how to’ posts and list posts.  I thought I’d combine the two, to bring together some of the better ‘how to’ resources for people who inject drugs. How to use a wheel filter This video from ReGen provides a point of view … Continue reading

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People who inject drugs and World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day.  It’s a day to show support for the international efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and to remember the people who have died.  I’ve spent the last few days thinking about what I wanted to write today and I just couldn’t get it quite right in my head.  Then this morning I … Continue reading

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ADCA defunding is about anything but austerity

I read with shock and horror yesterday the announcement of the defunding and subsequent placement of the Alcohol and Drug Council of Australia (ADCA) into voluntary administration.  This irresponsible action has been undertaken in the name of austerity however when we consider the longer term implications of such a decision it can only be considered … Continue reading

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