30 Day Harm Reduction Twitter Challenge

Late December through to the end of January is a busy time with social demands increasing and work timelines contracting.  This increased demand often results in a decrease in social media activity as people prioritise their time.  By the end of January I was spending relatively little time on Stonetree projects and was becoming increasingly … Continue reading

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Stonetree: 2 Years of Harm Reduction and Social Media

Today marks two years since Stonetree Harm Reduction was launched.  The last twelve months has been absolutely huge with: 61 articles published Over 13, 000 individual pageviews Drawing readers from over 100 countries. On this anniversary I thought I would take the opportunity to reflect upon the last twelve months of Stonetree. While Stonetree has … Continue reading

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Harm Reduction poster creation made easy

Well it has been a little while since I have published a #hrmap post, but I have made up for it by producing 5 posters!  All in an evening’s work.  Making the posters was made very easy through the use of an iPad application called Phoster. Why is this important for Harm Reduction peeps you … Continue reading

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